One of the keys to being Superhuman is to remember to take care of the monkey body. It's an ironic situation. In order to surpass the human, we must fully support what is human in us. This means: eat well, drink lots of water. Sleep, excercise. Do yoga. Our current culture is stuck in this very perverted form of materialism. On the one hand, the spiritual is constantly ignored, and hence our capacities in this realm atrophy and whither. Our focus is entirely on our physical survival. However the work that we do for our bodies is utterly detached from any kind of activity that would actually be beneficial to our bodies. No longer engaged in physical toil in the outdoors, our work becomes a servent to survival, but not thriving. The real truth is that feeding the physical supports the spiritual, and vice-versa. Ilsa, my partner, likes to talk about her yin-yang dialectic of tox-detox, wherby you live healthier (detox) in order to make it better to do things that give more meaning to life, but at the same time can be kind of unhealthy (tox). Tox-detox. Make art-make breakfast-make websites-make love....
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