Sunday, November 21, 2004

Oracle Gathering

Tonight, I attended the Oracle Gathering here in Seattle ( What an amazing gathering! These people really know how to do it right. We arrived just before midnight when they performed a science fiction techno opera. The show had to do with an imagined future in which the ultra-conservative party seeks to exterminate all dissidents, however meanwhile a Swedish scientist who is working on terraforming Mars, discovers this gemotric structure (a dodecadhedron with rotating Merkaba inside it, for all you sacred geoetry buffs), that is capable of allowing instantaneous travel through space. It was a really cool mix of inspired politics, esoteric symbolism, and great performances.

The music was at times hit or miss, but most of it was good, and the headliners were excellent. The cafe sold all raw, vegan, organic treats, including Thai coconuts. A number of workshops in various healing arts were offered. One room had a demonstration of "Brainwave Enhancement Signals", basically sounds you listen to on headphones that create altered states of consciousness (
The thing that gets me is how similar in spirit this gathering was to ones I've been involved with in North Carolina, and with Burning Man, and so many other places. These gatherings refelct a genuine tribal community, one whose symbols, sacramaents, and practices are universal.
More later on this...

Meanwhile, the performance has reawakened enthusiasm for a major musical project I've been contemplating for years: a techno opera about Dionysus coming to modern America. Seeds are starting to sprout!


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